Friday, June 20, 2014

Newsmap article: Language workout

Summer is coming and I am eager to get rid of the rest of the winter fat. So I decided to get fit again and go for a run a couple times a week. I have to say: I hate running before I start, but afterwards I always feel very good and proud of myself so I do it again and again.

But not just my body needs to get fit for the summer, also my language skills need some workout in order to get fit for finals. I decided to follow my teachers suggestions and translate some German articles.

I have to admit, it was harder than I expected. Having the German sentence right in front of you makes it hard to think of a good and idiomatic translation. Sometimes I had to close my eyes and think: How would an American say it? What did I learn about …? Also I had to look up several words. At first I had serious problems, but once you get into it, it gets easier.

Ebola epidemic

 german newsmap article

Brazzaville. The deadly Ebola virus has killed at least 330 people since March. Only last week, 14 new deaths and 47 suspected cases were reported, said the WHO in Brazzaville, Congo.

Guinea, where the epidemic broke out 3 month ago, is the worst- affected area. 264 people died from the virus, 398 more are under treatment. The remaining deaths happened in the neighbouring countries Sierra Leone and Liberia. Sierra Leone had closed their borders in order to prevent the virus from spreading.

The Ebola virus kills up to 90 percent of all people infected. Symptoms are throwing up , diarrhoea and fever, such as internal and external bleeding. There is no known cure or vaccination for Ebola yet.

Painless dental treatment

new method heals caries without painful drilling

Having caries usually entrains an unpleasant procedure that includes an injection, a drill and a filling. Now English researchers want to put an end to this. They promise a painless caries treatment without fillings. 

The plan is to stop the decay process through remineralisation and help the teeth to repair themselves. The necessary minerals are brought in using electricity. The amount of electricity is very low, so the patient doesn´t feel anything. The new treatment should be at least as economical as the current one, said Professor Nigel Pitts from the King´s College. Additionally, the device could also be used to whitewash teeth.  

The researchers think that they can bring out the new method called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation (EAER) three years from now. To do so, they are still searching for investors. 


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